Sarah Moore

Sarah Moore is the founding member of Willow Legal Advisors, a seasoned legal advisor to businesses and private equity sponsors across the country, and a trusted counselor to small businesses and families in her beloved home state of West Virginia.



Ms. Moore began her professional career as an accountant for a public oil and gas company and went to law school with the intention of pursuing corporate law.  Upon graduation, she accepted a position with a large, Texas-based law firm and later, a large New York-based global law firm, where she developed an expertise in private equity fund formation, mergers and acquisitions, and general corporate governance.  After living in Texas for several years, Ms. Moore relocated to her home state of West Virginia and spent more than two years working remotely for “Big Law” before establishing Willow Legal Advisors.  Through Willow Legal Advisors, Ms. Moore has had the privilege to continue representing large businesses and private equity sponsors across the country, while also developing services specifically tailored to meet the legal needs of the businesses and individuals in her own community. 

Sarah Moore Willow Legal Services


Ms. Moore is a practiced expert in private equity fund formation and fund-level governance, all phases of the business purchase and sale process, and the day-to-day legal needs of both large and small businesses – from negotiating commercial contracts, satisfying working capital and finance needs and managing the employee relationship.  Through the relationships Ms. Moore has developed with her corporate clients, she has also developed expertise in estate planning, trust formation, business succession planning and, most recently, non-profit law.  By understanding both the professional and personal legal needs of her clients, Ms. Moore expertly offers legal counseling that is both specifically tailored to each client and sensitive to the nuances often present in legacy planning.  


Greatest Professional Accomplishment

Ms. Moore established Willow Legal Advisors with two distinct goals: first, to continue practicing private equity law, which she finds deeply interesting, sophisticated and exciting, and two, to develop a practice that serves the legal needs of businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals in her own community.  Ms. Moore credits Willow Legal Advisors’ success in accomplishing both goals and evolving into a firm that is perfectly reflective of her initial design as her greatest professional accomplishment.

Listed below are a few additional highlights from Ms. Moore’s career:

  • Representing a buyer in acquiring a $30 million oil and gas asset package in Texas and in obtaining private financing for the acquisition in two separate highly negotiated transactions with simultaneous closings.
  • Offering pro bono legal services through Lawyers Without Borders and traveling to Tanzania to train federal wildlife officers on the enforceable legal regimes available to facilitate and support their anti-wildlife poaching efforts.
  • During her time in “Big Law”, representing a private equity sponsor in the formation of an $8 billion fund and playing a pivotal role in the organization of a complex feeder structure and the negotiation of investor agreements, including fund agreements, side letters and subscription agreements.