Practice Areas

Growing With
Our Clients.

Build Your Business By Your Design

Willow Legal Advisors’ roots are in corporate law; however, the nature of the attorney-client relationship is extremely personal, so when our clients began requesting that we assist them on other legal matters, we responded by developing the expertise they needed.

Trusted Advisors,
Working For You.

Legal Advice for When Life Needs it Most.

Willow attorneys consider it a privilege to assist both established and new clients as they purchase new homes, develop branding for their businesses and start non-profit organizations. We have been thrilled to develop these practice areas and are excited to offer these legal services with the same degree of sophistication and skill as we offer all our legal services.

Services For Anything You Need

Willow Legal Advisor attorneys are experienced and available to provide the following additional legal services.

  • Advising on business succession strategies, generational transfers and exit strategies
  • Drafting succession documents, including buy-sell agreements, partnership and LLC agreements, business plans and other related documents
  • Drafting and funding revocable, irrevocable or other specialized trusts
  • Developing comprehensive estate plans for both business and personal assets, including tax planning, disability contingencies and liquidity issues
  • Assisting with the creation of an inventory of probate and non-probate assets and advising on the suitability of each
  • Drafting general estate planning documents, including wills, powers of attorney and medical powers of attorney


  • Representing the buyer or seller of residential real estate
  • Representing the buyer or seller of commercial real estate
  • Providing closing and settlement services
  • Negotiating purchase agreements
  • Negotiating commercial real estate leases
  • Negotiating property management agreements
  • Preparing deeds and other transfer documents
  • Examining title to real property
  • Assisting with the formation of non-profit organizations
  • Assisting non-profit organizations to acquire 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Advising on 501(c)(3) compliance issues
  • Advising on governance-related matters for non-profit organizations
  • Advising on fundraising plans and activities
  • Assisting non-profit organizations with merger, reorganization or dissolution
  • Advising on the availability of intellectual property protection
  • Assisting with the registration of trademarks
  • Assisting with the registration of service marks
  • Assisting with the registration of domestic copyrights
  • Preparing licensing agreements for intellectual property
From Our Clients