
Willow Legal Advisors – May 2024 Firm Highlights

• June 7, 2024

For Willow, the hallmark of May was certainly helping clients navigate complex legal issues that arise in the ordinary course of their business.  Although Willow assisted clients on a few transaction closings this month, Sarah and Daniel spent most of their time in the role of “trusted advisor” by advising on complex corporate agreements, researching state and federal statutes and advising clients on how to operate in a practical and efficient manner while maintaining compliance with various applicable laws and regulations.  Here are a few of the highlights:


1.    Willow advised key members of a management team on various aspects of its current compensation package in anticipation of upcoming discussions with its board of directors. Willow has many years of experience on corporate governance matters and is poised to review corporate policies and agreements among various corporate stakeholders to help our clients identify key issues and develop a strategy that is defensible and aligned with their goals and the goals of the company.

2.    Willow prepared various securities-related documents to facilitate a privately held corporate client in accepting an investment from an international business entity. This investment secures the financing necessary for our client to advance to the next phase of its business model, and we are so excited to be part of their story.

3.    In other securities-related work, Willow advised an established investor network on disclosure requirements that may arise in connection with certain investment activities and how to structure investments to fall within an applicable exemption from those disclosure requirements.

4.    After assisting a client in the divestiture of substantially all its oil and gas assets earlier this year, Willow assisted this client in the sale of its remaining real and personal property and in the provision of seller-backed financing to the buyer. The combination of these two transactions allowed the sole owner of the business to start what is hopefully a long and healthy retirement.

5.    On May 13, Willow celebrated its 5th anniversary of being in business! Here are a few words from Willows’ founder, Sarah Moore.


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