
Willow Legal Advisors – December 2023 Firm Highlights

• January 4, 2024

For our firm, December is usually spent helping our clients finalize projects by year-end and taking some time to enjoy the holiday season with our families.  This year was no exception!  Below are a few of the highlights from December at Willow Legal Advisors.


1.    Willow advised an oil and gas company with operations in Appalachia on its sale of certain oil and gas properties located in both Doddridge and Harrison County, West Virginia. In connection with the sale, Willow’s client divested itself of several shallow gas wells while retaining its deep leasehold rights.  This transaction was executed on a rapid timeline to achieve the client’s goal of closing before year-end. The parties were thrilled to close well-before Christmas, and Willow was excited to assist.


2.   Willow assisted a DC-based private equity sponsor with wrapping up its MFN election process by reviewing the elections made by the fund’s existing limited partners and preparing procedures designed to ensure that our client complies with its reporting obligations to investors. The implementation of MFN elections is a tedious and overwhelming task, but Willow has vast experience with, and a deep understanding of, fund compliance issues and is always thrilled to be part of the process.


3.   Willow loves advising small businesses on the various random legal issues that inevitably arise from time to time when running a business. These issues are often distracting and, frankly, annoying to our clients, and we are happy to be able to take them off our clients’ plates so that they can focus on their daily operations.  This month, Willow did just that by assisting a client with a nagging, unresolved insurance claim from a Spring 2023 incident.  Willow has sent letters, had phone calls, drafted damage summaries and taken whatever steps necessary to ensure our client is made whole from an insured incident, and our client was relieved to know that we were handling it while he and his team focused on business operations.


4.   On December 16, Willow participated in the annual Wreaths Across America service at the Grafton National Cemetery. Although Sarah and Daniel had participated in this event in prior years, this was the first year that Sarah and her family had the honor of placing a wreath on her father’s grave marker where he was laid to rest in 2023.  Willow also had the pleasure of supporting a daughter of one our clients who successfully raised enough funds to sponsor 1,700 wreaths!  We are so proud of her and were honored to participate in such an important, thoughtful event.


5.   Finally, the Willow team had a lovely holiday dinner at Wonder Bar Steakhouse. Sarah and her husband, Craig, and Daniel and his wife, Emily, had a perfect evening with great conversation and awesome food – although they missed Ashley and Dustin who were celebrating the holidays with family at Disney!


If you are curious about the MFN election process mentioned above and other private-equity basics, please feel free to browse our online private equity glossary: Private Equity Glossary | Willow Legal Advisors.


Thanks for reading!


The information provided in this article does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials are for general informational purposes only.